Streets Raised Us. Horses Saved Us.”
That is the motto of the COMPTON COWBOYS, a group of childhood friends from the Richland Farms of Compton who use horseback riding and equestrian culture to improve their community.
Consisting of seven cowboys and one cowgirl, the crew works with horses to provide a positive influence on inner-city youth, combat negative and historically inaccurate narratives surrounding the city of Compton, and pay homage to African-Americans in western and equine heritage.
Growing up together as participating members in a local horse program that was founded by Mayisha Akbar in 1988 called the Compton Jr. Posse, now named Compton Junior Equestrians, they have been dedicated to the essential core mission of keeping kids ON horses and OFF the streets for over 30 years.
Their message is simple: No matter how hard your backstory is, you can rise and be a force for positive change so long as you believe, dedicate and collaborate. Leading the Ride to a Promising Future, that’s what these cowboys are all about.